For over five decades, Far Corners has helped outcast children rise above their circumstances and poverty by providing necessities such as food, education and hope for a better future. We currently have over 60 children living in our Sydney Children’s Home and over 400 in our village after-school programs or Daycare Centers. You can be a Champion for these kids through our sponsorship program.
Sydney Children’s Home Sponsorship - $50/month provides food, clothing, education and 24-hour care to these kids who are unable to be at home full-time for a variety of reasons.
After-school Program Sponsorship - $10/month provides a snack each day, one meal a week and a monthly hygiene bag in addition to the academic help provided by this program.
1. Click on the “Donate Now” button to sponsor a Child.
2. Select either “One-time” or “Recurring” for your sponsorship
3. Select or specify your dollar amount
- $50/month ($600/year) for Sydney Children’s Home Child
- $10/month ($120/year) for Village After-school Program Child
4. In the Giving Fund drop-down select
- Child Sponsorship - Sydney Home
- Child Sponsorship - Village
5. In the comments box enter the child’s sponsorship number, if known, or simply write ‘Need a Child” and we will send you information on your sponsored Child.
If you have any questions please contact us at