Donate Now

Why Sponsor a Child?

For over five decades, Far Corners has helped outcast children rise above their circumstances and poverty by providing necessities such as food, education and hope for a better future. We currently have over 60 children living in our Sydney Children’s Home and over 400 in our village after-school programs or Daycare Centers. You can be a Champion for these kids through our sponsorship program.

Sydney Children’s Home Sponsorship - $50/month provides food, clothing, education and 24-hour care to these kids who are unable to be at home full-time for a variety of reasons.

After-school Program Sponsorship - $10/month provides a snack each day, one meal a week and a monthly hygiene bag in addition to the academic help provided by this program.

How to Sponsor

1. ​Click on the “Donate Now” button to sponsor a Child.
2. ​Select either “One-time” or “Recurring” for your sponsorship
3. ​​Select or specify your dollar amount

- $50/month ($600/year) for Sydney Children’s Home Child
- $10/month ($120/year) for Village After-school Program Child

4. In the Giving Fund drop-down select

- Child Sponsorship - Sydney Home
- Child Sponsorship - Village

5. In the comments box enter the child’s sponsorship number, if known, or simply write ‘Need a Child” and we will send you information on your sponsored Child.

If you have any questions please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Bringing Life, Light and Hope to the Far Corners of the world.